mardi 18 décembre 2012

Atelier du 18 12 12

Paul Klee is known for his primitive, surrealism, cubism. His work can be described as delicate paintings and watercolor with strong use of lines and symbols. He often used letters and numbers with figures of people and animals. Here's a few examples for inspiration:
First, show them examples of the artist's work, opening discussion to how he used different colors, shapes, line and figures. Ask Fontenaysienne what they think of the art work. Why do they like it? What do they see in his paintings? Do they like what he painted? The colors? How does it make them feel, happy, silly...? Any questions you think will spark a discussion about the work with  Fontenaysienne. Get them thinking about what and how Paul Klee painted not just that he painted a red balloon or a person.

Etude de paul Klee "Insula Dulcamara"

Dessin de Michelle...
"3 hérons"
Crayon aquarelle repris a l'encre de chine pour les détails

pastel de Daniel
Goauche de Stefano d'après un de ses collages

 Encre de Stefano

Chouette non ?

"Autoportrait Labyrinthique"
Palette et toile d'Olivier